Spam Warning: Notice from UPS
This is a bit of a confusing one as they do not seem to know who they are, HelloFax or UPS.
Here is the message:
From: UPS Choice <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 7:31 PM
To: Recipient
Subject: Notice from UPS

The best way to sign and send faxes online
Dear Customer,
You have received a HelloFax Date/Time: 08/14/2018 09:55 AM Number of pages: 4 Reference ID Number: TGH757358L.
We appreciate you going paper-less! - The HelloFax Community
We believe the office can be paper less! HelloFax Send Docs On-line HelloSign Sign your Documents Online HelloSign for Gmail Sign from Googlemail
503 Howard Street, Suite 341 San Francisco, CA
Add us to the list of contacts
The 'Download Fax Now' button actually points at: which already appears shut down as we just get a:
This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.
Message on Chrome.
SO no immediate danger here, but this email will be circulating with a hundred different links on it so beware!! Report as spam and report the link to your browser provider.
One last point is that the 'add us to the contacts list' is actually a link to:
And although this is probably the correct shortcut, it actually downloads a vcf file to your PC from cloudflare...