SECURITY ALERT - Tesco Bank Spam Scam

SECURITY ALERT - Tesco Bank Spam Scam   Beware of these fake Tesco spam emails:   v\:*

SECURITY ALERT - Tesco Bank Spam Scam


Beware of these fake Tesco spam emails:


From:                                         [email protected]

Sent:                                           11 June 2018 16:24

To:                                               Recipient

Subject:                                     SECURITY ALERT




You are receiving this email because we noticed an attempt to sign in to your account from an unrecognised device. Our system has blocked this sign in attempt as a security measure. 

In order to safeguard your account information we have temporarily restricted your access to certain features within our online banking system. To restore full access please click the link below to validate your account information.

Please note:
 Failure to restore full access can lead to permanent suspension of access to our online banking service.

Get Started ⇨

Best regards,

Tesco  Online Banking Team


The 'Get Started' link actually takes you to:

Cloud Flare have already labelled this site as phishing:




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