This is often a thankless task, corresponding about confidence tricksters and unsolicited email or trojan attacks, but every so often you see something so brilliant or funny, that it really does brighten your day.
This example barely even constitutes an email, it is so terse and unkempt, but it is the attachment that is worth bringing to light:

Firstly, I love the way that the subject implies that this email has been forwarded, as if they have received a spam email and liked it so much that they want to try it out on someone else.
I also love the statement of the funds - United States Dollars - as if they are mined on another planet and flown here under heavy intergalactic-guard.
Best of all though, I love the blinding mishmash of trademarks, signatures and barcodes at the bottom, ensuring any innocent bystander will be overwhelmed with its authority.
The file is attached as a BMP file - an uncompressed bitmap - presumably in order to circumvent firewalls??? Sure a PDF would have made for a more believable choice, but I suppose they are more easily read by text analysis in search of keywords.
The email is below:
From: GOOGLE MICROSOFT MOBILE <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2018 1:01 PM
Subject: Fwd: You never responded about your wining of US$ 1,450.000.00 in Free GOOGLE/MICROSOFT/MOBILE AWARD PRIZE, with ref: no SA712R to redeem it, email us on: [email protected], with ref: no SA712R or contact your OVERSEAS CLAIMS AGENT. Please fi...
Attachments: Associate555.bmp
Obviously filling in the form would be a mistake but it is tempting nonetheless...