More Phone Number Spam - Tel: +1-855-370-5507

Spam - don't dial this number!   If you receive this email: Name : Nisha Email : nisha@matridte

More Phone Number Spam


If you receive this email:

Name : Nisha

Email : [email protected]
Tel: +1-855-370-5507
Message : May I Have the privilege of Connecting with you?

As you can see from the above they are trying to get you to call a number with the international code in front. This number is a special number that is allegedly toll free according to

"Area code 855 is a non-geographic area code, meaning that it is not associated with any particular city, state, province, or country. Area code 855 is a toll free number, that recently joined the list of 800, 888, 877, 866, and 844 toll-free numbers."

 This appears to be just another web design company from India trying to drum-up business. This number is displayed on their website (although it wasn't last week) so presumably they have just engaged someone in America to place and answer calls on their behalf to increase their business in the States.

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