What is CoinNewsSpan.com?
Excellent question. What is this site?
Well ostensibly it is a review site of various cryptocurrency related services and gives advice to prospective purchasers or traders of crypto currency. The site is based on Wordpress and the front page is full of articles that have been penned in the last few days. The first is an article about online communities, which has nothing to do with cryptocurrency or trading.
Then there is an article about sports betting versus bitcoin with a most interesting, utterly vague conclusion:
'There is no doubt that sports betting can be as profitable as stock trading or bitcoin investing. If you want to succeed in sports betting, then all you need to do is gain proper knowledge and start betting by placing small bets. After that, there will be no stopping you. If you have bitcoins, you can also opt for bitcoin sports betting, and if you play wisely, you can earn a good amount of money.'
Now not only is this utter madness, as no one investing in Bitcoin is necessarily likely to have any knowledge of betting on sports, but also it is a reason to go and read a sports paper instead of their own, which is simply not what a journalist is paid to do. Whatever the source for this vague and dangerously ignorant hogwash is, it has no place on a Google search engine page, so why is it ranked? Well here is the problem, it is ranked because it has so many other websites referencing it from all of the scammer sites around with so many staff writing nonsense reviews to help them. We cannot compete with the sweatshop staff that these scammers are prepared to recruit. They literally have enough slaves to represent millions of people and corrupt the search engines by misdirecting their asumptions.
Who Are CoinNewsSpan.com?
Well when you plan a site like CoinNewsSpan.com some of the first questions are, who will provide the content, who will be the editor, what is the angle of the press you are creating? Well let's have a look at their team to get an idea of what their angle might be.

Firslty there is Erica Lee 'She is deeply involved in blockchain and cryptocurrency space sincve 2014.' Whoever wrote this text did not have it proof read, at least not in English. This is not the sign of a reliable publication.
Then the Editor, Thomas Gillard. 'He is responsible to decide which news stories will be on site and decide various news agenda for next day.' This text has not been read by anyone who could describe themselves as an editor.
Moving on to Edward Nash, who aside from having a suspiciously generic name, appears to be a woman. 'Edward Nash is a editor and analyst joined CoinNewsSpan with over the 10 years of financial market experience.' We're not even sure that sentence was written by anyone other than Google Translate.
Paul Jolin is apparently an economist and of him they say 'He is optimistic about blockchain technology's use case in terms of financial freedom.' We have no idea what that sentence is supposed to mean.
For the sake of diligence we move on to Lili Chuang. She is another finance professional according to the site. 'Lili Chuang is a finance professional with an experience of over a decade in news writing.' Lili obviously didn't get an English speaker to read her profile text.
Finally we come to Jason Palmer, and although this is the most generic sounding name so far, he goes on to descrivbe himself thus. 'He actively involved in analyzing the world's crypto trends.' Jason is apparently another editor that does not like to edit text.
Let's have a look around on LinkedIn as they are supplying links to their profiles:
Oh dear, they are all as fake as their generic photos and names suggest, this is definitely a scammer site from a non-English speaking country, perhaps another one from the company that make the onlineinvestmentguide.com as they are based in Hong Kong. They claim, on the privacy policy page, that they are a website belonging to 'CoinNewsSpan Media LLP' but as far as we can see this is just a lie:

We can safely say that none of these people exist and that CoinNewsSpan.com is run by someone else entirely.
If we look at the details of their domain, we can see the following:
IP Addresses Organization First Seen Last Seen Duration Seen Unknown 2021-09-16 (3 months) 2021-12-14 (today) 3 months Cloudflare, Inc. 2020-06-02 (2 years) 2021-09-16 (3 months) 1 year Cloudflare, Inc. 2020-05-11 (2 years) 2020-06-02 (2 years) 22 days InMotion Hosting, Inc. 2020-04-15 (2 years) 2020-05-11 (2 years) 26 days Cloudflare, Inc. 2019-12-30 (2 years) 2020-04-15 (2 years) 4 months Google LLC 2019-08-23 (2 years) 2019-12-30 (2 years) 4 months InMotion Hosting, Inc. 2018-08-24 (3 years) 2019-08-23 (2 years) 12 months Namecheap, Inc. 2018-07-17 (3 years) 2018-08-24 (3 years) 1 month
It appears as if the domain was registered with NameCheap and then hidden behind Cloudflare as is the norm with these scammers. At some level they are either given the advice to do this or are connected in some other way.
What Do CoinNewsSpan.com Do?
It seems that this type of site is the new cover for a lot of scammers. They start up a Wordpress site and get a lot of meaningless articles sent over by various low quality newsfeed services and then add a lot of their own articles translated through Google Translate that then get picked up as unique content by the search engines. They also get a lot of links from other scammers sites so that their content appears valuable to a robot. Once they have the ranking and the traffic they use their fake review sites of obvious scams such as Bitcoin Rush, Bitcoin Circuit, Bitcoin Era and Immediate Edge to defraud people either using their own brokers or by taking fees from other scammers who then defraud the readers.
Put simply, CoinNewsSpan.com lie about Robot Trading tools so that they and their partners can defraud you!
Wooah! Outrageous! What proof do you have?
Well let's start with one of the most basic scams there is, Bitcoin Era.
We can see immediately that the CoinNewsSpan.com site describe Bitcoin Era as one of the best Bitcoin robots. Now what is a Bitcoin robot? Well let's see what the review tells us.
'Our Bitcoin Era Review is the most comprehensive and well-researched for decision making, where you can find is Bitcoin Era app a scam or not'
Well once again we can see that this review is not from an original English draft, even though the review is cited as being written by their Editor, Thomas Gillard, a man who appears to be made up by this site in order to defraud us.
They ask the question: 'What is Bitcoin Era?' so what is the answer? Well according to CoinNewsSpan.com Bitcoin Era is a powerful AI algorithm-based trading robot that automatically trades cryptocurrency used by new and experienced traders with what they describe as a 'win rate' of above 88%. Now just to be clear, you do not win or lose a trade in cryptocurrency, the value merely goes up or down. You can only lose or win on what is known as binary trading, where the outcome is speculated upon rather than any investment being made. This type of trading is usually with spread-betting or CFDs and is highly risky as you can lose all of your money very quickly.
So let's imagine for a moment, that you really could have a robot with a constant win rate on a binary options trading account. If you have $100k and you bet in $10k chunks, then you would win nine out of ten trades. If you kept to this strategy then you would just make a fortune every day, as you know that the 1 in 10 trades you lose is no greater than any other trade. Once you got to a balance of $1m you could shift each trade to being $100k etc. You would eventually be able to buy the Federal Reserve and the BIS and rule the world.
You have to ask your self how likely you really think that this idea is. If it was true and the banks are desperate to shut it down before Holly Willoughby and Gordon Ramsay tell everyone, why have we been warning people about it for over a year?
The Bitcoin Era scam is no different to any of the other boiler room scams. They are total nonsense and have no place in the world of trading. They are there to get people to surrender their contact details so that the boiler rooms thugs can bully them into losing all of their money to scammers.
Another question they ask is: 'Is Bitcoin Era Legit?' And the answer provided begins 'Yes, Bitcoin Era is a legit platform and not a scam at all.' Well of course. This is just the sort of review we see in Which magazine. Is the Volkswagen Golf a scam? No it is completely legitimate! You see, when something is not a scam, there is no reason to reassure you that it is not. You can go and buy one from any garage and take it back if you do not like it. This is called a product, whereas Bitcoin Era is a scam.
It is not difficult to spot the signs, a real product website wants you to purchase the product of course, but they would never dream of claiming that there was a limited window in which to purchase as it is far more expensive to issue a refund than it is to never sell the product in the first place.
This is not indicative of a real product:

Is CoinNewsSpan.com a Scam?
The short answer is, yes. They are completely disingenuous about the capabilities of these Bitcoin robots, about the time limit remaining to enrol, and about what their involvement is. The link they send us to: https://clckclcktrkr.com/api/v1/brokers/login/redirect.php?signupID=WPYGgepwnLoOd5vrQDEX9NojjzPG8jbk473mVx0ylq1aZz6RK will make anyone think that the have successfully logged into that account with those details as they are simply encoded into the URL. There is no login, there is no trading, it is just a scam to get you to deposit money into a boiler room scam.
So What Have We Learned?
Any of these ridiculous sites such as:
- indexuniverse.eu
- economywatch.com
- easy-to-read.eu
- trustpedia.io
- coininsider.com
- amecoinnews.com
- cryptomoonpress.com
- coinnewsspan.com
- coinjournal.net
- theinspirespy.com
- cryptominded.com
- newsbtc.com
- snipp.org
- clpfoundation.org
- bwcevent.com
- icowatchlist.com
- envestio.com
- getadcoin.com
- greenfinanceinitiative.org
- bitconnect.co
- steprimo.com
- bitcoin-bank.io
- bestbitcoinexchange.io
- skytechosting.com
- globalcirculate.com
Every one of these sites is taking an affiliate fee for something they know is a scam, and so they are part of the scam. Any review that says: product name - is it a scam or legit? is a scam.
Any website that says: Product name is an automated trading platform is a scam.
Any website that claims a reliability as a percentage of trades is a scam! What truthful website would ever leave itself open to that kind of litigation?
CoinNewsSpan.com is not only a stupid website full of rubbish with a ridiculous name,
VERDICT: CoinNewsSpan.com IS A SCAM !!!!