Andrew Neil Bitcoin
Performing a search on Andrew Neil Bitcoin we see:

As you can see according to Google (and we're not sure why they allow a different URL on the Ad from where it is going to take you) the people advertising are and which is very likely to be the same person as the content of the ads and the domains they exhibit are more or less identical.
How to trade (Beginners Guide) - Easy in 2 min. With just £250 What you need to start is only a computer, a smartphone or tablet with internet access. Don't miss a chance to build a fortune that will allow you to live the life you desire.
Which takes you here:
Profit100% Reliable Investment - Make First Step from £250 Invest like a genius R Kiyosaki, starting from £250. Make your money work for you! Join us. Invest with our guarantee! Looking for partners: the bigger we are, the more we get!
Which takes you here:
Which appears to have exactly the same code attached?? Why would you put two ads up then?
Anyway the content is identical with both:
Which takes you here: