Your Email Domain Account Notification!! Spam
This email has been doing the rounds today:
From: [[email protected]]
Sent: 11 October 2018 02:01
To: Recipient
Subject: Account Notification!!
Email Security info
Your email [email protected] has reached an upgrade stage, verify your user email to continue usage,
This is for your own safety to continue using your account, click the button below.
Note: Please do not ignore this email to avoid your account closure
The security email team.
Copyright © 2018 Mail! Inc. (Co. Reg. No. 2344507D) All Rights Reserved. Intellectual Property
The 'verify' link actually points to:[email protected]&browser=unkonown&time=valid which has already been marked as deceptive by the big browsers:

The website itself:

Is fairly convincing looking and I will type them a nice message in the password field commending them on their good work and encouraging them to continue.
The password actually appears to do a lookup of some kind as it reports that it is wrong but perhaps they just want to get as many of your passwords as possible...?
Anyway, stay vigilant and safe!